iPod Nano Giveaway

iPod Nano

Just a quick note that I’m giving away my very own iPod Nano (8Gb, 3rd Gen) in a competition over on Money Blogger.

If you want to enter, all you need to is blog about Money Blogger. The competition ends a week on Friday and full details are available here. Good luck!

11 thoughts on “iPod Nano Giveaway

  1. Yr ipods are to………………….. stylish that i want to grb it today only.please i want that ipod and i hopesoooo…………………………. i will be pleasured to take your cool and stylish ipod.

  2. Hey please give me the ipod cuz i am the only 1 that doesn’t have 1 i keep on asking my mom, but she always say it is 2 expensive, i am soo jealous of my friends they all have 1 and they keep on listning to music. without me and i always feel left out. they keep on askingme when i am getting my ipod. ugh! it is soo annoying. i really want that i pod. please and thank you!

  3. Please I really want a iPod I’ve been wanting one for 12 years and I really want one and I don’t care what color it is any color you have is fine I’m not that picky on color

  4. i am not gonna beg and pleade but my lil bro is turning 12 in january and i think this will be the perfect gift. he had an mp3 player but a bully took it at school. all he does is listen to music and play the guitar. he says he wants to be a rapper when he gets older lol. so please consider and thank you

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