This is an interesting article on what you need to know if you’re considering buying a new Macbook.
If I had money, I’d be tempted by one of these, but there are a few things that would worry me.
The size – I like my 12 inch powerbook, but the Macbook only comes in 13 inch. Will Apple release a smaller notebook to the lineup?
The keyboard. I’ve not tried it myself, but it *looks* icky to me. Reminds me of a Spectrum… eep!
Shared video memory – not great for games/graphics. Not that I’m much of a gamer, but it’d be nice to know I could..
The heat problem. These things seem to run really hot, but Apple won’t admit to any problem with them or the Macbook Pro.
Given that I have no income, I think I’ll wait at least until the next generation of Macbooks – which knowing Apple, will be sometime next month…
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